Benjamin's First Birthday
/Gayeon, Fort Lee, NJ / June 29, 2019
Thank you very much! Everyone said you did a marvelous job and we were very impressed by your beautiful decorations.
2023년 까지 저희 궁스토리를 이용해주신 고객님들의 후기를 소개합니다.
2024년 부터의 리뷰는 구글리뷰로 이어서 올려주시면 감사드리겠습니다.
We are pleased to share the testimonials from our customers who have used Goong Story through 2023.
Starting in 2024, we kindly ask that you continue to leave your reviews on Google Reviews.
Gayeon, Fort Lee, NJ / June 29, 2019
Thank you very much! Everyone said you did a marvelous job and we were very impressed by your beautiful decorations.